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The Strike Goldによるフラッグシップモデルに採用される地球環境に最大限配慮した新開発の天然藍100%ロープ染色オーガニック17ozオリジナルセルビッチデニム for SDGs。
”All Natural Indigo 100% Rope-dyed Organic 17oz Original Selvedge Denim for SDGs" entitled "Keep Earth" series that gives maximum consideration to the global environment adopted by The Strike Gold's flagship model.
This product uses 100% organic cotton yarn by mixing organic virgin cotton and fallen cotton[waste cotton which is limited to organic cotton among recycled cotton, and uses denim fabric which is rope-dyed with 100% natural indigo for the purpose of considering the global environment.
This denim fabric is the ultimate original selvedge denim newly developed to achieve both the protection of the global environment and the finest aging after many years of wear.
The trigger of the project is to contribute to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that all people around the world are required.

Furthermore, in this organic cotton yarn mixed with fallen cotton, we completed the spinning of a thick slub yarn with No.4.5 count, which was initially impossible due to the brittleness of the yarn.
This 100% organic cotton yarn is spun by repeating these extremely inefficient and difficult processes and giving thorough consideration to the environment.
In addition, from the viewpoint of environmental protection, we tackled the difficult problem of rope-dyeing with 100% natural indigo instead of rope-dyeing with synthetic indigo dye, which is a chemical dye used in ordinary denim fabrics, and we dyed the yarn in a special dark color.
As a result, the yarn and texture are created as a base for producing a sharp and intense aging.
渾身で紡績しロープ染色された糸を生地に織り上げていくのが、The Strike Goldの個性的なオリジナルデニムを生み出す少数精鋭の熟練職人が操る旧式のシャトル織機である。
織り上げられるセルビッチデニムの風合いにも細心の注意を払い、The Strike Goldのフラッグシップモデルに採用するオリジナルデニムに恥じない独特の風合いのある特ザラ感としっかりとした穿き応え、身体を包みこむような穿き馴染み、そして長年の着用による極上のエイジングについても、新たに再定義して具現化した。
The old-fashioned shuttle loom operated by a small number of elite skilled craftsmen who produce the unique original denim of The Strike Gold weaves the rope-dyed yarn that has been spun through various hardships into the fabric.
We also pay close attention to the texture of the selvedge denim, this original denim redefines newly the distinctive slubbiness and texture, feeling that wraps around the body, the finest aging due to wearing for many years befitting The Strike Gold's flagship model, and embodies.

You can feel the texture of “organic cotton yarn mixed with fallen cotton” from the granular part of the denim surface.
The unique look similar to nep denim is also the attraction of this fabric.
※「Keep Earth」シリーズの売上の一部は、飢餓と貧困の撲滅を使命に活動する国連WFPに寄付を行わせていただきます。
A portion of the sales of the "Keep Earth" series will be donated to the United Nations WFP, whose mission is to eradicate hunger and poverty.
